Assalamualaikum... hello to everyone!
First of all, I have to apologize to readers of my blog (well, I hope at least someone reads it) for this long and unexplained absence of new recipes. It has been one month since I last posted recipe I tried here on the CookiNg with L.O.V.E.I have not dropped off the face of the planet. In fact, I have been going through some obstacle and challenges that has left me with little time and also I didn't have the luxury to do some of the fun stuff (like trying new recipe and blogging). While neglecting to post new recipe over a month was a necessary evil, I am happy to say that normal blogging shall resume shortly.
I know some of you may craving for delicious dishes prepared by Cik Mira
If you get an uncontrolled craving for something else before or even after your snack, don't give in.
Just try to distract yourself for 10 minutes
-that's how long the average food craving lasts and if you can get past this point without eating
you'll have successfully avoided temptation for another day.
Even better, spend that 10 minutes sipping a glass of water or herbal tea
-remember, many of us mistake food cravings for thirsty.
the power of water
-jangan lupa baca doa sebelum minum yer..
♥ Take care of what is difficult while it is easy,
and deal with what will become big while it is yet small ♥
Join me drinking more water and have a great weekend,

i wanna learn how to cook better =)
yeah, you should.. and everyone should learn too